
How are French words pronounced in English?

Patisserie is a typical example of a French 'loanword' There are several thousand French words French  in the English language. Their pronunciation can be tricky because in many cases there are no formal rules about the correct way to do this  By convention, pronunciation of French words  generally defers to the source. Ballet, for example, has a silent ‘t’, rather than a sounded one as in the Spanish equivalentl. Charles de Gaulle keeps his silent’s’ while Prince Charles becomes 'Charle' in spoken French. Anomalies There are many anomalies . Logic might suggest that a chaise lounge would be pronounced the same way as the lounge it is in.  Some common nouns have been completely anglicized like the hard ‘s’ in Paris . Unfortunately, for English language learners there is no absolute rule as to when this occurs.  The key is comprehension. The English pronunciation of the words Croissant and pan au chocolat approximate to the original French but neither requires an extra

Five popular phrases associated with the Titanic?

Wallace Hartley, leader of the band that played on Few events have captured the public imagination like the sinking of the Titanic on the night of the 14th April 1912. Five phrases associated with the disaster are still in common use.

What is a portmanteau word?


What is 'concept creep'?


Top 10 most quoted lines of poetry in English?

Photo by  Taylor Ann Wright  on  Unsplash Mark Forsyth ( The Inky Fool )  has analysed Google Search query result data for lines of verse requested online. Here is the Top Ten: 10 .  Tis better to have loved and lost 2,400,000 Tennyson 9. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair 3,080,000 Shelley 8. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield 3,140,000 Tennyson 7. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams 4,860,000 W.B. Yeats Anthony Hopkins recites He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven by W.B Yeats 6. Not with a bang but a whimper 5,280,000 T.S. Eliot 5. And miles to go before I sleep 5,350,000 Robert Frost 4. I wandered lonely as a cloud 8,000,000 Wordsworth 3. The child is father of the man 9,420,000 Wordsworth 2. I am the master of my fate 14,700,000 William Ernest Henley 1. To err is human; to forgive, divine 14,800,000 Alexander Pope Complete Top 50 Commentary English:Fun Facts & FAQ Teaching Pack

Language with the most words?
